Run With Its Couch to 5K Training Program for Beginners!
Ready to get back in shape? Sign up for Run With It's Couch to 5k program now!!
Come by Run With It to sign up!
Have questions call us @850-243-1007
Training Program for Beginners
Starts: Registration/Orientation-Tuesday, February 27th We will do our first walk after the orientation so please dress in athletic gear and bring a water bottle. You can sign up ahead of time at Run With It.
21 Racetrack Rd. NE, Ft. Walton Beach 32547
Fee: 5K Program- $60 (Alumni $50)
Includes: Weekly training schedules, 2 to 3 running sessions per week with coaches, tech T-shirt, 10% discount at Run With It, a private Facebook group, stretching and strength training sessions, training clinics and a discount on our goal 5k.
-5K program: 8 weeks. We will be training towards our goal race, the Sunset Stampede 5k on Navarre Beach, April 20th @6pm.
$5 discount on the WTFR 5K entry fee!
Goals: Run or walk/run a 5K (3.1miles) and cross the finish line with a smile on your face!

Details: Sign-up and orientation are Tuesday, February 27th. Registration begins at 5pm.
As a group, we will do our first group walk and start getting familiar with the route. We will do our timed mile on Thursday, February 29th. The timed mile will give you a baseline for your current fitness level. We will run/walk a second timed mile at the end of the program so you can see how much you’ve improved, in just 8 short weeks! Wear appropriate clothing for exercising outdoors. Look at the forecast and plan accordingly. Remember to dress in layers and in moisture wicking fabrics, wear a hat/visor, sunscreen and most important, drink water and bring a water bottle with you. Wear proper shoes! If you need running shoes or any other gear, we can fit you after the first session or come see us before the program starts (sign up for the program and get your 10% discount at Run With It.)
This training program is designed for beginner runners or former runners who want to get back into shape. We also have a walking group for those who wish to walk a 5k. Each training run/walk will be led by a group leader who will help you develop the skills you need to successfully complete a 5K race.
If possible, start walking now to begin getting in shape and facilitating positive habits. Try walking 2 to 3 times a week for 20mins.
Call for more information: Donna 850-243-1007
Ultimate Goal: To learn to love the sport of running, meet great new people and to get active!!!